
Monument’s History!!!..;D

Bogota is a big city with a lot of history represented in monuments, buildings, and other things that remeber Bogota, Colombia and america's history.Some of this HISTORY MONUMENTS are:

The Plaza de Bolivar that includes some important buildings such as:
  • La catedral primada.
  • la capilla del sagrario
  • capitolio nacional
  • El Edificio Liévano sede de la Alcaldía Mayor
  • Palacio de justicia
  • Casa del Cabildo Ecleasiastico
  • Palacio arzobispal
La Candelaria
This is a representative and one of the oldest neightborhood in Bogota, this is like were the city was founded here is the colon theater, luis Angel Arango library, the house of the coin, militar museum, San Carlos Palace and there is a famous street "cajoncito" were you can found tipical santafechocolate.

Plaza de toros Santa Maria
This is an beautiful building were you can enjoy or watch the different events related with bulls, this is the only place were you can see this type od events, during the begining of the year is a fair were you can see people who practice this sport from no t just colombia but from around the world. This was constructed my Santiago Mora an spanish architect.
cerro de monserrate
This one of the viewpoints of the city were you get up to visit its church and also to get somethink to eat in a very good restaurants "Santa clara" & " San Isidro", another representative thing of this viewpoint is the way how you arrive to it, you just have the 2 transportation sistems. One is "Telesferico" that is box that carry you up and down by cables, The other one is the "funicular" that is like a train" were you get tunnels. this a beutiful way to see the city up at 3131 m.

Entertainment in Bogotá (:

I guess you can be now wondering: what about the fun things for the children, or young people like me? Well, there's nothing better than taking a look to 2 places where maybe you and me can have fun and do different activities that are out of your normal schedule.


This place is an amazing and revolutionary creation, is a Colombian version of the kids city 'Wannado City' in the United States. Why is it called divercity? Because, there, kids from 4 to 13 years old can have fun pretending to be older, like little adults living in a little city, working at different places, they can pretend to be doctors, detectives, writers, even builders!

It is also something useful for the future of the children who go to Divercity, as they learn how to manage money, going to the bank and having their own credit card and savings account. They can learn how to be responsible and to see what is it like to be a real adult. The funniest part is that everything in this city looks totally real, as if they were in a real city with real shops and hospitals, working with real instruments and, it has even a 'Transmilenio' for the kids size! Isn't that great?

There is something very important, a frequent question every parent asks when getting into this kids city: And what am I going to do in the next 5 hours? Well, if your kid is older than 8, he or she can stay alone or with his or her friends in the city while the parent can go to the 3rd floor, where it is a Dunkin Donuts, Directv Television, Internet and a Pet shop. If they get bored there, they can go along the Santa Fe mall, and they can get in again to pick up his or her child in the schedule that is specially booked in Divercity (10am-3pm) (4-9 pm).

How can they do all this security stuff? They have special computerized bracelets that, by putting them in one of the computers located in every part of the city, you can know in what atraction is your child in, as they register in every atraction with their bracelets at the entrance of each. Divercity is a totally safe place for the children to be in, as in every atraction there are a group of adults who organize them and tell them the instructions of each place. There is no risk, so why don't you let the kids and little people have fun seeing the things they can do at a fiction city that looks real? You just have to take a look at it, is BEAUTIFUL!


In this unbelievable place, you can do practically anything. With advanced technology, you can practice your favorite sports or just have a good time with your family or friends. Why not?

There, you can practice swimming, soccer, mini soccer, bowling, tennis, you can have a library, there's a place for seminars and courses, a jogging track, a skating space, parks for the kids, a garden, green zones, a huge balcony, cafeterias, and even a sinthetic field!
And if this was not enough, it has a spa and a saloon! What does this place not have?

Well, basically, the Urban Recreation Center is a space for the practice of sports, and the using of the free time where you can find formation programs, free practice activities and recreation.

In this recreation center, the thing that, in people's opinion, is the most interesting zone is the bowling one! It is perfectly clean, their instruments are in pretty good conditions, and the computarized scores in each line are just amazing. You just have to have fun while the machine that controls the pins, the ball and the scores does it's work. Take a look with your loved ones to see who can win!

Libraries in Bogota!

Bogota has many libraries you can visit. They are not only full of books and knowledge, they also have art expositions, a mini-library for kids, beautiful graden (surrounding the libraries), internet rooms, free Wi-Fi and other thing you might find interesting. Libraries in Bogota are one of the most ineteresting cultural places, because each library is different, shows a differen story and have a different enviroment. Bogota have libraries arround all bogota, we can chose between public and private libraries. Public libraries are huge and beautiful, everyone can enter and rent book, computer, use the Wi-Fi, or just go to have a good time, free or by a cheap price. The private libraries, are the libraries that belong to the colleges, schools or enterprices, they offer their services to the people who are in the college, school or enterprice. The 4 of the 'mayor' public libraries from Bibored in Bogota are:

-Virgilio Barco;  The library is located  in the center of the city, it is sorrounded by parks and sport-complexes. It is one of the biggest libraries in Bogota. It belongs to Biblio-red. It have places for kids and for adults, it is sorrounded by grass, it also have a cafeteria. It have spaces dedicated to art, theater and music.
The library was inagurated in 2001. People can visit it in this service schedule: On Monday from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, from Tuesday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, on Sunday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, and it is not open on holydays.The library have one of the most amizing architure design of Bogota. It have water mirrors, people can enjoy spaces in the library and surroundings. It have a circuar structure and it have 3 floors.

-Julio Mario Santo Domigo Library and Cultural Center; it is located in the north part of the city. It was opened in 2010, that means thta it is the newest library. It have different spaces, that are specialized in the different kind of people, for example a room just for kids and another for young and old people to read.
The library has available an internet room, and equipment that allows a video-conferency in an event between four participants that might be in one of the 'big' libraries of Bogota. The Library has 20 places that are available to play video, that can use Blueray technology.In the cultural center the library has 2 theaters, one is bigger than the other. The bigger can have 1250 people inside while the smaller can have 350 people. The security of the Wi-Fi is guaranteed. People can visit it in the same schedule of the Virgilio Barco.

- Library El Tintal Manuel Zapata Olivella; it was opened in 2001, it is located in south-occidental part of the city, its named is in honnor of the most important afrocolombian writer. Since it was opened it have been mos serving to people from Kennedy, Bosa and Fontibon, that are popular neighborhoods in Bogota. It is located in a place is easy to access for the people, because it is very near tothe public ways of transportation. The most importnant thing about this library is that it have been serving for the people (from small kids to old adults) who are handicapped, that makes the library a place that is able for social and communitary meetings. The library is so ecological because it is built in the place where the accient former waste transfer plant was and because it is surrounded by 3 wetlands that are La Vaca, La Chucua del burro y Techo. The schedule is the same as the Vigilio Barco and the Julio Mario Santodomingo.

- Library El Tunal Park; it is located in the south part of Bogota, it is used by the habitants of Tunjuelito, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Ciudad Bolívar, San Cristóbal, Antonio Nariño and Usme, who are people with few economical resources. It is a palce where families can join as a family and enjoy together, it is also a palce where some social aids are made. It is avery important cutural point for el Tunal neighborhood. And as the Tintal library it was opened in the year 2001. It has the same schedule of the other 'mayor' libraries.

Another very important library is teh Luis Angel Arango Library, it isn't par of Biblored, but is is a public libray. It has the most complete collection of books of Latin-America. It was property of the Nation Bank Of Colombia, then it was donated to the people. It helps to the preservation of the Colombian culture. It is located in La Candelaria that is a neighborhood in Bogota's downtown, it was opened in 1958. The schedule is: Mondays -Saturdays from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sundays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, it is not opened on Holydays. You can enter for free.

Sports: "Teaching"

In Bogota people can actually study how to practice in the right way any sport, there are places were specialized teachers give lessons to people interested in sports. the reason why thoes lessons exist is to encourage people to practice sports, like profecional athlets.

In Bogota are some places were people go to learn how to practice some sports, and thoes places can be desinged for just practice the sports or learn the basic things about them, or places desinged for professional practice. Almost all of the sport centes were supported by the goverment  because the goal is to provide all the necesary sources, (materials, uniforms, ect...) so athlets that represent Bogota are ready to "play".

some places were are located those sport centers are :
  • Cayetano Cañizares (Cr 80sur N° 40-55)
  • Unidad Deportiva El Salitre (Av 68 con cl 63)
  • El Tunal (Cl 48B sur con cr 21)
  • Complejo Acuático (Cl 63 N° 42-00)
  • Meissen (Av 61 con cr 16sur)
  • Primero de Mayo (Cl 18Bsur Nº 5-13)
  • Jazmín (Dg 2A N° 45A-09)
  • San Andrés (Cl 82 N° 101-54)
  • Tibabuyes (Cl 139 N° 127C-48)
  • Servitá (Cr 7 con cl 165)


Sport Places Arround Bogota:)

Bogota is a city that has very good places where people can have fun, for sports, and work with their fitness. There special places designed for specific sports, there are places that have an special court or place to do different sports, there are also public and private places specialized in sports. 

Some private places for doing sports are clubs, that are places in which only autorized people can go in and they can have a good time. 

A good example of clubs is the Club Del Rancho: this club is a good place for sports, and to have fun. In 'el club del rancho' there are lots of places when you can practice: tennis, golf, swimming, bowling, squash, football, gym, horse riding, and target shooting.

There are lots of public places for sports but we can divide them in 2:
  • Payless 
  • Cheap
  • Expensive
Payless: are all parks in the neighborhoods around bogota and all the bicycle ways that all around the city.

Cheap: there are lots of places in the city in which you have to pay for beeing in places for sports, ussually you have to pay a low price or just the parking lot or the rent of the courts. Those places many times have many things and atractions that are appropiate for sports, that mean that the money that you pay is for buying all the stuff.  

Expensive: the expensive places for sports are more for watching or to participate in a tournament, a good example of it is the Campin Stadium.


Cinemas in Bogotá

As every big city, Bogotá is full of cinemas. All of them are in most of the malls in the city. There are 3 kinds of cinemas, which are Cinecolombia, Cinemark, and Procinal.


Is the most common kind of cinema in Colombia. It's services are wonderful and the most visited malls have one. A really amazing thing about Cinecolombia, is the importance they give to the problems that our planet is having during these last years.

What do they do? Well, easy but helps a lot. They have a special trashcan in each movie room, which has 4 holes: one for the straws, other for the soda caps, another for the glass and the pop corn container and another for the other materials. Isn't that great?

And nothing better than showing you what are some of the movies that Cinecolombia is showing at the moment:

Despicable me(Animated 3D)
The last airbender(3D)
Cats and dogs 2(Animated 3D)
Inception (Action Suspense)
Vampires Suck (Comedy Parody)
The Haunting of Molley Hartley (Horror)

 Here you can have the trailer of 'Vampires Suck', it will make you laugh out loud with it's Twilight saga parody!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3Z7UedB-ge4?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3Z7UedB-ge4?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


With commercials before the movies with a weird cat who teaches you how to behave in the movies while he flirts with a female cat, Cinemark is the second kind of cinemas in Bogotá. You can find it in C.C San Rafael at the norwest, C.C Plaza Imperial, at the Suba locality, C.C Atlantis Plaza at the southeast, and C.C Cafam Floresta at the southwest.

A particular characteristic about Cinemark is that they have  unbelievable sales. If you have the Elite-Gold Card, you can pay your tickets and your food at a really cheap price. If there was a special sale, you could use it and you would get an extra sale with that card! That's just amazing!

And that's not everything, despite the things mentioned before, with your card you can benefit even more, as the card gives you more chances of special promotions that you can only get with the Elite-Gold. From getting free pop corn and 2 sodas presenting your card, until doing your reservations in Internet with the number and the charge of your card!
You just gotta try it at the moment!

Some of the movies showing now:
Wall Street money never sleeps(Dramatic)
The Collector(Horror)
Love Happens(Romantic)
The Expendables (Action)
Partir (Dramatic)

Here you can see the trailer of 'Love Happens', the most beautiful, cute, and romantic movie ever!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JB4NxGvd4kI?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JB4NxGvd4kI?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


Is the less common kind of cinema, as the malls that have one are not so visited. It has small movie rooms. It's advantage is that it has more choices of movies to see, and, although they are small, they are gorgeous because most of them are brand new!

You can find procinal in: Bulevar, Bima, Centro Suba, Portal de la Sabana, Tintal Plaza, Tunal, Unisur, Unicentro Occidente, Diver Plaza Alamos, Palatino, Salitre Plaza and Americas.

Their movies showing at the moment are:
Paranormal Activity 2 (Horror)
The Town (Action)
Eat, Pray, Love (Drama)
Letters to Juliet (Romantic)
From Paris With Love (Action)

Here you can see the trailer of Paranormal Activity 2, a movie to scream in a horrorific voice!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/07XbSk7Rjt4?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/07XbSk7Rjt4?fs=1&amp;hl=es_ES&amp;color1=0xcc2550&amp;color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>