

Bogota has more 70 museums and art galleries. The most popular museums are loocated in the down-town of the city. The museums are like a representation of modern arts, history and culture of Bogota, Colombia and the world. Allmost all Bogota's museums are able to have school-tours, that is a good way kids learn having a different experience. They are also a good choice for families to have a trip that join they famili together.

Bogota's more popular museums are:
  • The Museum Of Gold, which shows the most important prehispanic (prehispanic means everything that was in America before the Europeans' arrive) gold collection. It is showing people expositions that are very expensive, not only because many things are made of gold, but because their historical and cultural value. It shows the roots of Colombia. In the Gold Museum you can learn how prehispanic Colombians lived, all the beliefs, rituals, myths and leyends they had. It is a very recomended option to learn about Colombia's past.
It is located near the park of Santander between the 5th avenue ant the 16th street. You can you from Tuestday to Saturday  from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sundays and holydays form 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The entrace costs 3000 pesos from Tuesday to Saturday and on holydays, it is free on Sundays. It is also free for kisd uder 12 years, people from 60 years on, indians, and schools.

Some gold articles fron The Gold Museum.
Image  taken from:  http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=330908

A gold sculpture, (shown in The Gold Museum) about of Guatavita Leyend.
Image taken from: http://prehistoria.foroactivo.net/historia-de-america-precolombina-f47/la-balsa-muisca-t283.htm

  • The Kid's Museum. It is one the kid's favourite museums, the tour arruond the museum teach kids and adults history, science, arts and other important things at the same time they are having fun. The museum was found in 1985 by a private company, it was designed by Billy Goebertus, many things of thos musem is based in other museums around the world. The museum is divided in more or less 5 colour-based parts, it has more that 20 expositions, some of those are: 'Leonardo Da Vinci', 'Dinosaurs','The City', 'Mechanic Physic', and others. The museum is located in a very important cultural becuase it is near the Park Simon Bolivar, the Library Virgilio Barco and a public park used for practicing sports.The exact location is; avenue 60 # 63-27, if you want any information about the museum you can call to (57- 1) 225 75 87, that is the museum's telephone munber.

The logo of the museum at the main door.

The Kid's Museum seen from the air.

Art exposition, to teach kid's good nutritional habits.
All Kid's Museum images taken from: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=265257&langid=5

  • The 'Quinta De Bolivar'. It is tour arround one of the houses of the man who gave freedom to Colombia; Simon Bolivar. Babies, kids, teenagers, adults can go to the museum by just a little price, old adults can enter free. The tour consists about showing how Simon Bolivar lived in the house. The museum have an special package for schools, it also have some activities for kids to learn while they are having fun. The 'quinta' still have the original articles and furniture Simon used to have. It is a very nice and beautiful place to laerning more about Colombia's history, because Simon Bolivar was one of the people who gave freedom to Colombia 200 years ago.
The museum is open from Tuestdays to Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Every Wednesday at 11:00 the museums offers an special tour in inglish, and every las Sunday of the month people can enter free. the entrance costs 3000 pesos for adults, 2000 pesos for students, 1000 pesos for kids from 5 years to 12 years and it is free for seniors. It is located in the 20th street # 2-91 east. any doubt call 336 6419 - 336 6410 - 284 6819 or e-mail quintabolivar@mincultura.gov.co that are museum's official phone number and e-mail adress.

Casa Museo Quinta de Bolívar (Vista interior)
Simon's Bolivar living room.
Image taken from: http://www.trivago.es/bogota-85327/museoexposiciongaleria-de-arte/casa-museo-quinta-de-bolivar-161406/foto-i3596521

Simon Bolivar.
Image taken from: http://elbicentenario200.blogspot.com/2010/06/simon-bolivar-el-libertador-procer-que.html

Other very important museums in Bogota are:
  • Bogota's Modern Art Museum (MAMBO). The museum was created in 1955, but started to work in 1963. It helps to spread and to motivate modern and contemporary arts in Bogota and in all Colombia. Empositions in the MAMBO can be very varied, for example about and specific topic or period of history, can be collective or indivual, ect.
  • The National Museum, it shows temporary art expostions, the history of this museum is very ineteresting, bescause in the accient Colombia it was a jail. It shows history and culture from all the world trought art.
  • The Botero's Museum. It shows by a guided tour, to the public some of the most important paintings and scuptures of this colombian artist.
  • The Art Museum from the National Bank.
  • Maloka, it is a place where kids, adults and teenagers can learn many interesting things about science and technologies by having fun; playing games, watching movies in a giant domo or trying crazy but safe experiments.
  • And many many others!

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