As you know, every ciry is divided in neighborhoods. In this article you will be able to see the 4 most recognized neighborhoods of the city, which are: Santa Ana, Cedritos, Ciudad Salitre and Normandia II
Santa Ana (:
Here in Santa Ana, you will be able to find lots of entertainment. Malls like Santa Ana or Hacienda Santa Barbara, the places beside the 7th Avenue and lots of residential complexes from 8-floored to 18-floored buildings, which can amaze you with the loft style that the facades have. Near Hacienda Santa Barbara mall, there's a locality in the east mountains which is called Usaquén. In this beautiful locality that is considered as a national place, you can find what is called in spanish ''mercado de las pulgas'' which is like a lot of people selling particular things on the street; things that can be from the colombian culture, or jewerly, or even paintings! And, off course, there are lots of unique restaurants up there. The most recommended ones are ''La Rosconería'', ''Tinaja y Tizón'' and ''Shamua''.
Cedritos neighborhood is located in the north of Bogota from ST151 to ST 140-9 avenue until the 19 avenue, in this neihborhood is located the Cedritos Mall, in this neighborhood you can found a beautiful place in witsh people still live in houses but you also can find huge buildings, and you can be sure that you'll find many options of restaurants(Calivea, Compañia del Sabor...) , Super Markets (Carulla, Olimpica...), and health centers. In Cedritos you also can found some schools (Liceo Cerbantes, Rochister...).
This Neighborhood is located in the Usaquen Locality, in this neighbor hood you can also found all sundays in the 9 avenue the "ciclo via" that is when cars can´t pass throu the avenue so people can go out to walk , ride bycikle, skate or do eny kind of sports.
, is a residencial and comercial neightborhood with old but beautiful and big houses that most of them are remodeled. there are just a few apartment buildings, near this is"El Dorado Airpot", and "Puente Aereo Airport" this are like the most important nacional and international airport of Colombia and of course of Bogota. Near this are important malls such as Gran Estacion and Salitre Plaza, the natural and Botanic Park "Jardin Botanico",
This near are the neightborhoods Santa Cecilia, Salitre modelia,etc. In Normandia You will find a lot of restaurants that are cheap and have good food.
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